Monday, January 5, 2009

teen cast tv show

Show: Secret Life of an American Teenager

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Black and white photos

these are my black and white channel photos, the first one is my porch, and the second is me in the snow...i had the camera on my end of my car balancing off the end, i have no idea how this picture turned out and how my camera manage to stay on the car...

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Winter Pictures part two

Photo #3...Another one took outside during the night...i really like the lighting.

Photo #4

Winter Pictures

photo #1...I took this picture from the end of the street. i like how it turned has lots of distance, makes your eye go up with the road.

Photo #2....This one was taken at night after all the snow finally stop coming down. i like the lighting in this picture, it gives the blues, greens and purples of the winter. even yellows from the light look great against the white snow.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Friday, November 14, 2008

Series of four

OK so this is my series of four. In my series I wanted to show that Mirrors can explain my life. It like how the mirror reflex my life through the appearance i wear or the emotions i can put on my face, and all of this is reflected back to me. The story behind these mirror series is that when growing up, i was a depressed child who constantly was tying to be reached by people around me so they could help me out of my dark and lonely childhood. i never cared about how i looked to the world and how my emotions were betrayed to others. i also never lived as a child who followed routines of a normal child's life. i was a mess growing up, but when everything around me settled down, and took its break from destroying the person i once was. i started to clean my life up, shape it and molded it in to a normal life, so i practice my emotions and how to hide them, also how to pick up a routine in living a day, like showering, appearance checks, sports that interact with others, and of course a bedtime were i could get the rest i needed before i started the whole living a day again. I asked my friend Becca to pose for me in this series of my meaning of a mirror and how i see it. she agreed because she knows how it is to be like me. i didn't really have to ask her how to pose, she seem to know what was expected. Lighting in my pictures were hard to bare since i didn't really plan the lighting to well. i short of went by the lighting that was provided in the room i used. Then once on the computer i enhanced the light and contrast, along with the expose. That why my series might look a tad bit on the bright side. Over all my series explains the practice and the shape of a new life i took up to cover the pass that i don't want to uncover again. living it once was enough, this is how this series explains my life.

Friday, October 3, 2008